Wednesday, July 19, 2023

A way to build an archaeological site


What was it used for?
1.) Use Unknown
2.) Stronghold or Outpost
3.) Housing
4.) Trade
5.) Crafting
6.) Temple

What material is it made from?
1.) Stone
2.) Ceramic
3.) Metal
4.) Glass
5.) Bone
6.) Unknown

What condition is it in?
1.) Brand New
2.) Pristine
3.) Aged
4.) Worn
5.) Crumbling
6.) Damaged

Relics or Artifacts

What can you find there?
1.) Cultural Relic (Technology, Artwork, Clothing, Foodstuffs, etc...)
2.) Ancient Artifact
3.) Enigma or Mystery
4.) Tomb, Grave Goods, or Remains
5.) *Death Trap
6.) *Space Creature

What material is it made from?
1.) Stone
2.) Ceramic
3.) Metal
4.) Glass
5.) Bone
6.) Unknown

Monday, July 3, 2023

Stray Shots

Determining Collateral Damage in a fight
Using Mongoose 2022 Update rules, Effect Results could determine collateral damage if a shot misses.

 - Glancing Shot
Marginal Success: There's a chance that the shot hits something else after hitting the target. Damage to the Target should be minimal. Something gets hit behind the Target on a 2 on a 2d6 roll. 1 in 36 chance.

 - Near Miss
Marginal Failure: The shot misses, but barely. The target might hear the bullet whistle past or there's a sizzling sound in the air. Their hair could be blown round a little. Unless there's a blatant wall or hill behind the target, which would definitely be hit, something significant behind the target gets hit on a 2 or 12 on a 2d6 roll. 2 in 36 chance.

-2 to -5
 - Complete Miss
Average Failure: The shot definitely misses. Unless there's a blatant wall or hill behind the target, which would definitely be hit, something significant behind the target gets hit on a 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, or 12 on a 2d6 roll. 12 in 36 chance.

-6 or less
 - Wild Shot
Exceptional Failure: The shot goes wild. It might even ricochet off of one thing and hit another thing. Unless there's a blatant wall or hill behind the target, which would definitely be hit, something significant behind the target gets hit on a 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 on a 2d6 roll and there's a ricochet to something else that gets hit. A 15 in 36 chance. On a 9, 10, 11, or 12 on a 2d6 roll, something significant behind the target gets hit. A 10 in 36 chance.

Outdoors Not-so-funny table
1.) Other Party Member (must be behind the Target)
2.) Innocent Bystander
3.) Emergency Services or City Personnel
4.) Vehicle, Power or City Vhicle, Copnstruction, Garbage Truck, or Public Transport
5.) Building or Street Fixture or Accoutrement
6.) Pet or other Animal

Indoors Not-so-funny table
1.) Chair, Bench, Stool, Bed, or Couch
2.) Table, Cupboard, Closet, or Bar
3.) Phone, Piano, Jukebox, Hologram, or other Music or Communications related item
4.) Television, Video game, VR set, Darts, or other Entertainment related item
5.) Other Party Member or Innocent Bystander
6.) Food or Drink, Refrigeration, Cooking Equipment, or Dishware

Humorous table
1.) You hear a cat screech
2.) You hear Glass breaking
3.) You hear the Wilhelm Scream behind you
4.) You hear a Ricochet sound for the Wild Shot

Bits from the Starship Operator's Manual for MgT2

I've been wanting to do this for a while. Porting over some ideas from MegaTraveller's Starship Operator's Manual and Imperial Encyclopedia. I worked on it a little the other day, but embellished it more. Let me know if you see anything wrong.

Maneuver Drive Overdrive
According to MegaTraveller's Starship Operating Manual, the M-drive can be pushed into Overdrive, or push the limits of the drive to 400% of normal thrust for short periods of time.

100% Thrust
Routine (6+) Engineering (M-drive) check
1D x 10 Seconds
Requires a check every 5000 minutes or about 3.5 days
For a good Engineer, this might be automatic and not require a roll.

200% Thrust
Average (8+) Engineering (M-drive) check
1D x 10 Seconds
Requires a check every 500 minutes or about 8 hours
For a good Engineer, with Computer Assist, this could be automatic and not require a roll.

300% Thrust
Difficult (10+) Engineering (M-drive) check
1D x 10 Seconds
Requires a check every 50 minutes or about 1 hour

400% Thrust
Very Difficult (12+) Engineering (M-drive) check
1D x 10 Seconds
Requires a check every 5 minutes

_ _ _ _ _

System Crosschecks
System Crosschecks should be performed on the following Skill checks (or Tasks):

Cold or Warm start a Starship
Prepare Maneuver Drive
Prepare Jump Drive for Jump

To do a System Crosscheck, increase the Timeframe by 1 and increase the Task Difficulty by 1 (or the target number by +2).

Failure to do the System Crosscheck on a required Task results in:

A Warning Light and a Bane to every check made on that specific System until a System Crosscheck is completed successfully on that System.
The Referee should determine a serious Event to happen later on that System.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

VACC Suit breaches and damage

It's not an exhaustive list. Just a list for the Referee to quickly come up with a problem for a VACC Suit. It's more descriptive than game system. If anyone knows what book lists Damage for VACC Suits and the people inside, I'd love to attach it to the list if you could post it. Thanks to kilemall and boomslang for their input on the earlier Thread on Citizens of the Imperium.

boomslang said:
Vacc Suit ruptures are bluntly straightforward: incremental damage to the occupant (1d6 first turn, 2d6 second turn, 3d6 third turn, and so on), with a DEX roll to get a suit patch on the leak and presumably Vacc Suit or Zero-Gee skill as a DM to both avoid the tear in the first place and fix it in time.

Roll 1d6 for which system or area is affected then Roll 1d6 for a specific problem.

1.) Suit Material
2.) Faceplate
3.) Power
4.) Life Support
5.) Communications
6.) EVA Propulsion

Suit Material
1.) Suit Part Disconnect
2.) Rip, Cut, Hole, or other Rupture
3.) Fall Injury
4.) Hit Damage (Weapon or Equipment)
5.) Micro-meteor Strike
6.) Tether Connection Break

1.) Sunscreen Broken
2.) Superficial Crack
3.) Seal Leak
4.) Steamed Up
5.) Minor Damage
6.) Complete Failure

1.) Battery Drained
2.) Electronics Fluctuation
3.) EM Interference
4.) Melted Wiring
5.) Outage
6.) Overload

Life Support
1.) Air Supply non-Function
2.) Mixture Ratio Misaligned
3.) Pressure Not Optimal
4.) Heat Dis-regulation
5.) Radiation Damage
6.) Undergarment Misfunction

1.) Static or Cutting Out
2.) Negative Contact
3.) Transceiver Malfunction
4.) Complete Interruption
5.) Receive Delay
6.) Speaker or Mic Loose Wire

EVA Propulsion
1.) Thruster Malfunction
2.) Propellant Fuel Leak
3.) Flight Computer Misalignment
4.) Boot Demagnetized
5.) Tether Breakage
6.) Handheld Unit Clogged