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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Making a competent Psion in MgT2e+

I see people ask sometimes about making a Psion in the current version of Traveller.

This is the best way I see to do it:

Pre-Career in Psionic Community
  • - From the Traveller Companion
  • - You get the Psionic Testing and Training free, even if you fail Entry
  • - Take Telepathy for the first Talent. There's no roll for it if you take it first.
  • - Increase Skill Levels in Talents you just gained
  • - Increase PSI if possible
  • - Try to get anything Psionics-wise that you can in the Pre-Career because it will only help later.
  • - Don't forget the extra PSI point the Pre-Career gives
  • - If you fail at Entry, you can still go into Psion as the 1st Career.
Term 1 in Psion
  • - This is really the best 1st Term if your character had Psionic Community for a Pre-Career.
  • - It works even if the character's PSI is a bit low. But not too low.
  • - This is where you build the Talents up so they are useable later.
  • - Increase Skill Levels in Talents you already have
  • - Increase PSI as much as possible
  • - Adding new Talents is nice, but they will always be low-level getting them at this point.
Term 2 in whatever you want
  • - You can take University here if you want.
  • - But if you don't make it well in the Pre-Career and the 1st Career, you will always be a low-level Psion without some enhancements like a PSI Battery.
Remember, you have a minimum of 2 on every roll, so it's:

PSI Bonus +
Skill Level +
Skill Check Roll +
Other Modifiers

And then you get almost all of the lower level skills without rolling or easily.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

PreGen Character - Human Male Doctor (Stage 5 Psion Adept Acolyte)

Human Male Doctor (Stage 5 Psion Adept Acolyte)
578BB6-H  Age 34  4 Terms
Homeworld Efate: A646930-H

STR 5 (-1)
DEX 7 (0)
END 8 (0)
INT 11 (+1)
EDU 11 (+1)
SOC 6 (0)
PSI 18 (+4) (Originally 12, +1 from Pre-career, +1 from Psion, +4 from Alternate Rules)

     Background skills
Electronics 0, Flyer (Grav) 0, Melee 0, Persuade 0

Gun Combat 0, Investigate 0, Profession 0, Science 0, Streetwise 0, VACC Suit 0
Animals (Veterinary) 1, Electronics (Sensors) 1, Persuade 1, Science (Psychology) 1, Science (Xenology) 1, Science (Psionicology) 2, Medic 4
Telepathy 4, Clairvoyance 3, Awareness 3

VACC Suit, TL 12


Pre-Career Psionic Community
1 Term Psion
1 Term University
2 Terms Scholar (Physician)

     Pre-Career Psionic Community
Psionic Tested and Trained
Ally Proctor Lucia
Enemy Jorr Vadel
Graduate with Honors
Honors graduates gain an Enemy who is unhappy they left the community.
You develop a healthy interest in a hobby or other area of study. Gain any skill of your choice, with the exception of Jack-of-all-Trades, at level 0.

     Alternate Rules for PSI:
If you don't want to use the Alternate Rules, subtract 4 from PSI.
Both parents are trained Psions +2 PSI
Character has spent formative years as part of a religious or mystical society where mental training forms a core focus, leading to increased psionic potential +1 PSI
Character gains a mentor who is an active Psion - Proctor Lucia +1 PSI

1 Term
Adept Acolyte
TAS Membership
You achieve a new level of discipline in your powers. You are automatically promoted.

     University of Regina
1 Term
Graduated with honors.
• Graduation grants DM+1 (DM+2 if graduation was with honors) to qualify for the following careers; Agent, Army, Citizen (corporate), Entertainer (journalist), Marines, Navy, Scholar, Scouts.
• Graduation allows a commission roll to be taken before the first term of a military career, so long as it is the first career chosen after university. Success will mean the Traveller enters the career at officer rank 1. If graduation was with honors, DM+2 is granted on this first commission roll.

     Scholar (Physician)
2 Terms
Rank 1
You are assigned to work on a secret project for a patron or organization. Gain one skill.
You win a prestigious prize for your work, garnering both the praise and envy of your peers. Gain DM+1 to any one Benefit roll. The Mazeric Prise.

     Things to finish the Character
Connections to other Characters
Group Skill Package
Personal Stuff
A Name
(Could also be a Female Character)

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

New PSI Skills

Here's some new PSI Skills. A couple of basic skills, plus some very powerful skills. I hope you can fit them into your Traveller game. 

Saturday, January 4, 2025

PSI Chart - Consolidated PSI Article

Here's an updated Psionics Chart with the current Mongoose Traveller version 2 Update in 2024. 

It also has Special skills from previous versions. Although that's still a Work in Progress. 

And I don't have any Book 4 Psion worked up at all for it. And not any of my own New Skills I'm working on. But soon I'll get them done.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

PSI Older Rules And Skills - Consolidated PSI Article

Here are a number of Older Psionic Rules and Skills consolidated from previous editions of Traveller, and updated to MgT2E format.

This is a:

Work In Progress

PSI Older Rules And Skills

Monday, December 16, 2024

PSI Alternate Rules - Consolidated PSI Article

Update: 12/29/24

Here are a number of Psionic Alternate Rules consolidated from articles I posted over the years.

PSI Alternate Rules

PSI Items - Consolidated PSI Article

PSI Items will be the first Consolidated PSI articles that I've worked on over the years.

PSI Items has 2 different items that Psions could use in their adventuring.

PSI Items