The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright 1977 - 2008 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises's copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Monday, December 16, 2024

PSI Alternate Rules - Consolidated PSI Article

Here are a number of Psionic Alternate Rules consolidated from articles I posted over the years. Plus something from Traveller: The New Era updated for Mongoose Traveller v2.

PSI Alternate Rules

PSI Items - Consolidated PSI Article

PSI Items will be the first Consolidated PSI articles that I've worked on over the years.

PSI Items has 2 different items that Psions could use in their adventuring.

PSI Items

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Imperium-sanctioned Citizenship ID Qualifications Chip or QualChip

About the size of a modern mem-stick and hung around the neck like Dog Tags, the Imperium-sanctioned Citizenship ID Qualifications Chip or QualChip is a 57th Century ID Card and Passport. It uses a storage 'chip' of solid crystal that can hold 1 petabyte of information laser-etched into it. Being a permeant storage medium, it holds everything ever added to the 'chip'. It creates 'Addendums' to the stored information when any change is made.

When someone talks about something going ion your 'permanent record', this is truly what they mean.

It contains:

Imperial Authentication and Encryption
 - making it almost impossible to counterfeit

Current TAS Form 2
 - Homeworld
 - Citizenship ID
 - Personal Data and History
 - digitized Personal Information starting at birth
 - Interstellar Transit Credentials
 - Medical Examinations and Inoculations
TAS Form 97 - Universal Military Service Registration
IISS Detached ID

 - Last Known Credit Amount
 - Banking accounts
 - Monetary transaction service accounts
 - known physical Money

Grav Vehicle Operator's Permit
IISS Ship Operator’s Permit

Master’s License
Mate’s License
Imperial Engineer Certification
Imperial Pilot Certification
Imperial Astrogator Certification
Cargomaster’s Certificate
Basic HazMat Handler’s Permit
Advanced HazMat Handler’s Permit
TAS Form 17 - Mercenary Ticket

Imperial Ship Arms Load-Out Permit
TAS Form 42 - Weapon Data (Personal Arms License)

TAS Form 3 - Ship's Papers (Commercial)
TAS Form 4 - Ship Paragraph Description
TAS Form 14 - Cargo Manifest
TAS Form 43 - Equipment Data
Robot Owner Authorization
Galactic Causality and Life Insurance Policy

Patent of Nobility
TAS News Service Press ID
TAS Membership
Explorer’s Guild Membership

TAS Form 5 - Sector Description
TAS Form 6 - Subsector Map Grid
TAS Form 7 - Subsector World Data
TAS Form 18 - Repatriation Bond
TAS Form 41 - Character Generation Data
TAS Form 65 - Starship Deck Plan grid (Small)
TAS Form 66 - Starship Deck Plan Grid (Large)
TAS Form 103 - Robot Design
IN Form 3 - Ship's Data
IN Form 10 - Ship Design Worksheet
IN Form 10 - Reverse
IN Form 11 - Small Craft Design Worksheet
IS Form 6 - Xboat Message
IS Form 7 - Xboat Image Facsimile
IS Form 7 - Star System Data
IS Form 8 - World Map Grid
IS Form 9 - World Terrain Data
IS Form 10 - Animal Encounter Table
IS Form 20 - World Profile Form
IS Form 21 - World Map Grid (Large)
IS Form 22 - Cultural Profile Form
IS Form 23 - Detailed World Data

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Wound Damage Optional Rules for MgT2e2022

Thank you to the folks who posted info for me in the Traveller "deadly" Combat Rules discussion and Are all Aimed Shots also Called Shots? Threads. I had these ideas for a while and never pushed myself to resolve them until those two Threads showed up. So, this is what I'm going with for House-rules for Wound Damage. I tried to make sure that it works with the current Mongoose version. And I compared it with the posts in the Threads I listed. I didn't try to add any penetration rules from Striker. Just tried to keep it basic. And I hope I didn't reinvent the wheel too much. I still think there should be repercussions to certain Hit Locations, but couldn't really wrap my head around it. Maybe another time. And it would have to be rewritten for a being with different limbs - like a Hiver.
But these Optional Rules will make Combat even deadlier.
I almost felt like I was working on a Computer Program. Which I find very interesting and fun.
Let me know what you think and if you see anything that wouldn't work.

I think the order that Characters lose Points from Damage should be:
 - Endurance
 - Dexterity
 - Strength
Endurance first because the Core Rulebook uses Endurance as Fatigue, and Strength last because when someone is in a Coma or received massive Trauma, Doctors will say things like the person doesn't have the Strength to live. Or something similar.

Called Shot
 - Any Aimed Shot can be a Called Shot
 - And a Called Shot MUST be an Aimed Shot
 - Pick Hit Location
 - Apply Modifier of Location to Attack roll
 - Add an extra die to any Damage unless Exceptional Success on Attack (see Critical Hit)
If the Called Shot misses
 - And the Attack roll still hits
 - Resolve Attack normally
 - Otherwise, it's a complete Miss

Critical Hit
 - Exceptional Success on any Attack
 - Double maximum dice Damage
 - Then add Effect

 - Total Wounds which bring Endurance to 0 cause Bleeding
 - Character Loses 1 Point every Round
 - For the number of Rounds equal to the last Damage taken
 - Or until First Aid is applied

Internal Bleeding
 - Any Damage which brings Endurance to 0 from a single Attack causes Internal Bleeding
 - Or any Total Wounds that bring Endurance plus any other stat to 0 causes Internal Bleeding
 - Character Loses 2 Points every Round
 - If First Aid is applied, lose only 1 Point every Round
 - Until Medical Care, Surgery, or an AutoDoc is successful in Treating the Wound Damage

Hit Locations
1.) Head (-2)
2.) Neck (-2)
3.) Center Mass (Chest) (-1)
4.) Center Mass (Abdomen) (-1)
5.) Groin (-3)
6.) Extremities (see Arm/Leg Tables)

1.) Arm
2.) Leg 
3.) Arm 
4.) Leg
5.) Arm 
6.) Leg

1.) Upper right arm (-2)
2.) Upper left arm (-2)
3.) Lower right arm (-3)
4.) Lower left arm (-3)
5.) Right hand (-4)
6.) Left hand (-4)

1.) Right thigh (-2)
2.) Left thigh (-2)
3.) Right shin (-3)
4.) Left shin (-3)
5.) Right foot (-4)
6.) Left foot (-4)

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Basic Traveller Adventure Setup

    Here's an outline for setting up a basic Traveller adventure. You can skip some sections if you want. Or you can add some. But this should give you a good outline to follow for creating your own Traveller adventures.

    You can even use most of this for outlining pre-made adventures.

    Give it a shot!


The Introduction

The Patron Assignment or Mission
    Supplies and Sundry
    The Departure

The Mission
    Getting There
    What Happens?
    What Happens Next?
    What Else Happens?

End of the Mission
    Resolving the Mission
    Final things that Happen

The Aftermath
    Reporting the Mission
    Burying the Dead
    Selling Trophies
    Getting Rewards

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Does your ship have a Pet? (revised)

Did you leave your cargo door open too long while unloading and now have a bat-equivalent predator flying around your ship?

Did an Opossum-like creature crawl into a hatchway while you were making repairs?

Did your ship's cat let you know that there was a 7 foot tall creature behind you?

Choose which Ship's Pets table you want to try and Roll 1d6

Typical Ship's Pets
1.) a Terran House Cat walks up the ramp one day
2.) Beaked Monkey is a pet throughout Charted Space
3.) a Tree Rat that's similar to a Terran Opossum - even with a prehensile tail
4.) an unidentified Alien Plant that eats bugs
5.) a Lowalaa vocal mimic kept by many Nobles
6.) a Seedspitter that definitely spits seeds... at you

Rare Ship's Pets
1.) a Tree Kraken from Knorbes
2.) a Robotic Critter
3.) a Zhodani Cat that somehow made its way into the Imperium
4.) An Anola that's too far from Pysadi
5.) a Llellewyloly stowaway you eventually figure out is a Sophont
6.) an Alien Iguana starting to make a chrysalis

Roll every time you open your boarding hatch... if you dare.

You can find most of these in the Traveller wiki. I'm sure there's a lot more. Use or re-write the tables to use in your game.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Danger Zones

In Traveller, there are Travel Zones and other Danger Zones. Either TAS warnings, or Imperial Navy or Scout Service Interdiction. And you can have either an Amber Zone which means to be cautious, or a Red Zone, which should be avoided and would be illegal to enter.

These are the different things that can cause an Amber Zone or Red Zone.

1.) Dangerous Wildlife
2.) War Zone or Violent Conflict
3.) Destructive Environment (aka Hellworld)
4.) Violent Crime or Law Level Extremes
5.) Immature, Xenophobic, or Indignant Culture
6.) Hazardous Atmosphere