Wednesday, June 28, 2017

More 'flavor' for your Psionics

Ideas for Psionics to add some 'flavor'. With help from friends at the Citizens of the Imperium.

The chart below shows the different 'Stages' and the points required to be considered in that 'Stage'. Each 'Stage' is exponentially stronger (double) than the 'Stage' below it. You can use this as extra 'flavor' in a campaign. Example: Ref talking about an NPC - 'He's a Stage 4 Psion' or 'She's a Class III Psion'. You can change the word 'Stage' to 'Class' if you like - I just used 'Stage' because it's used in TNE.

Psionic Points
0 ............. Latent Psion
1 ............. Stage 1 Psion
2-3 .......... Stage 2 Psion (2 point range)
4-7 .......... Stage 3 Psion (4 point range)
8-15 ........ Stage 4 Psion (8 point range)
16+ ......... Stage 5 Psion (16 point range)
And so on...

This chart is a bit more of a breakdown of the different 'Stages'. Tried to go for a MegaTraveller feel, but I didn't finish that too well.

Psionic Points Breakdown
0 Latent
1 Stage 1
2 Lower Stage 2
3 Upper Stage 2
4 Lower Stage 3
5 Lower Average Stage 3
6 Upper Average Stage 3
7 Upper Stage 3
8 Lower Stage 4
9 Lower Average Lower Stage 4
A Lower Average Stage 4
B Lower Average Upper Stage 4
C Upper Average Lower Stage 4
D Upper Average Stage 4
E Upper Average Upper Stage 4
F Upper Stage 4
G+ Stage 5

Just some ideas I came up with to add some 'flavor'. Based a little bit on the idea in the Marvel X-Men comic of the different 'Class' of mutant strength. Can be used with the chart on the bottom left side of page 4 in Mongoose's Book 4: Psion.

If you are a fan of the Julian May Galactic Milieu novels*, you can break down the chart like this:

Psionic Points
0 ............. Latent
1 ............. Sub-Operant
2-3 .......... Operant (2 point range)
4-7 .......... Master Metapsychic (4 point range)
8-15 ........ Grand Master Metapsychic (8 point range)
16+ ......... Paramount Grand Master Metapsychic (16 point range)
* The Galactic Milieu novels are: Intervention (two books in one), Jack the Bodiless, Diamond Mask, and Magnificat.

Evolutionary Modifiers
It is harder to perceive minds from a different evolutionary origin. The brain of a creature with a completely different biological origin, shaped by different evolutionary processes, will be difficult to understand. Each level of alien-ness reduces the total of any telepathic skill check.
Modifier       Description
-2 ............... Non-intelligent animal
-2* .............. Separate evolutionary path
-4* .............. Very alien evolution
* One or the other only, not cumulative
This is from the 'separate evolution' section on page 249 in the Traveller: The New Era rulebook, modified for Mongoose rules.

Psionic Strength Recovery
A Psion can recover points at 1 point plus the Psion's normal positive Psionic Strength DM, per hour, beginning three hours after the character last used a psionic talent. This is ignored if the Psion normally has a negative Psionic Strength DM.

Psionic Signature
Each person is unique. Like a fingerprint, the mind of a person carries a distinctive signature. This signature can be used in a number of ways for identifying the person or interacting with them. Acquiring a Psionic Signature only needs a successful use of the powers Read Surface Thoughts or Probe. To send another character a copy-image of someone else's Psionic Signature only needs a successful use of the power Send Thoughts.

Latent Psionic Potential Bonus
The Psion gains a +1 to Psionic Strength for every Circumstance the character has on page 8 in Book 4: Psion.

Training Bonus
Sometimes training can reveal unknown reserves of power. On a roll of 12 on a 2d6, Psionic Training increases a character's PSR by +1.

Characteristic Modifiers
Extending the chart from page 6 in the Mongoose Core rulebook.
Characteristic     Modifier
15-17 ................ +3
18-20 ................ +4
21-23 ................ +5
24-26 ................ +6
27-29 ................ +7
30-32 ................ +8

Relationship Modifiers
It is easier to use Psionics on someone who is close to you. Add the modifier to skill checks when a psionic power is used on someone the character has a relationship with.
Relationship    Modifier
+1 .................. Distant Family, Business Associates, Acquaintances
+2 .................. Close Family, Friends, Spouse, Lover
+3 .................. Psionic Signature*
* Having a Psionic Signature of a target overrides the other Relationship Modifiers. They are not cumulative.

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