Monday, October 25, 2021

Does your ship have a Pet?

Did you leave your cargo door open too long while unloading and now have a bat-equivalent predator flying around your ship?

Did an Opossum-like creature crawl into a hatchway while you were making repairs?

Did your ship's cat let you know that there was a 7 foot tall creature behind you?

Ship's Pets 1d6

1.) a House Cat walks up the ramp one day
2.) a Tree Kraken from Knorbes
3.) an Unidentified Alien Plant that eats bugs
4.) a Robotic Critter
5.) a Llellewyloly stowaway until you figure out it's a Sophont
6.) an Alien Iguana starting to make a chrysalis

Roll every time you open your boarding hatch... if you dare.

I'm sure there's a lot more. Use or re-write the table to use in your game.

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