Sunday, September 24, 2023

Civilian Finds and Claims in the Imperium - Third Addendum - The Last Bits

Sensor Logs and Location of Uncharted Settlement
 - up to Cr5,000

Location and Sensor Readings of Spacial Anomaly or Hazard
 - up to Cr25,000

Indepenent Salvage Claim
 - Normal Salvage Rights - complete ownership of what's left of the ship and all of it's contents
 - But the Widow of a dead Crewmember would probably want her Spouse's belongings back

Relay Distress Call (Not Recommended)
 - It's illegal to ignore a Distress Call
 - Do Not pass Go. Do Not collect Cr200
 - Go directly to a Proson Planet

Answer Distress Call
 - up to Cr200
 - up to Cr2,000 if people were going to die

Location and Sensor Evidence of a Fugitive
 - 1% of the Reward

Capture of a lost Pet
 - 5% of cost of Pet
 - 10% if an Exotic Pet

Putting down a diseased or dangerous animal
 - Cr100

Stopping a malfunctioning Robot
 - Cr100

Friday, September 22, 2023

Civilian Finds and Claims in the Imperium - Second Addendum - Archeological Incentive Bonuses

Your Starship finds an Archeological Site or Ancient Site on accident

Location Report of Archeological Site
 -  Cr5.000

Exploration Report of Archeological Site
 - Crl0 to Cr100,000
 - depending on an analysis of the site in depth
 - Relics and/or Artifacts
 - Ancient Ruins

Location Report to the Imperium of a newly located Ancient Site
 -  Cr50.000

Exploration Report to the Imperium of a newly located Ancient Site
Crl00 to Cr1,000,000
 - depending on an analysis of the Site in depth
 - Relics and/or Artifacts
 - Ancient Ruins

Hired to make or take an Expedition

Expedition to a Site - privately funded
 - Provisions and Equipment possibly not provided
 - Cr100,000 to Cr500,000

Expedition to a Site - sponsored by a University
 - Provisions and Equipment provided
 - Cr500,000 to Cr1,500,000

Expedition to a Site - sponsored by the Imperium
 - Provisions and Equipment provided
 - 1,000,000 to 5,000,000

Bonus for Find or Claim

Plant, Animal, or Mineral used to make Anagathics
 - Up to Cr1,000,000

Plant, Animal, or Mineral used to make Medicines
 - Up to Cr100,000

Ingedients to make Narcolethe
 - Cr5000 per liter/1 kg distilled TL–10

Unknown Illicit Euphorics
 - Highly Variable
 - Cr100 minimum

Interesting Unknown Plant, Animal, or Mineral
 - up to Cr1,000

Extinct Ancient Language
 - Up to Cr500,000

Ancient Language a current Language is based on
 - Up to Cr500,000

Resource Claim
 - Scanner Evidence of Resource
 - Holo-Video Evidence and Radio Frequency of Claim Marker
 - current Market Value minus Excavation and Transport FFees

Unknown Tasty Food
 - Highly Variable
 - Cr25 minimum

Scanner and Video Evidence of a Natural Wonder
 -  up to Cr1.000

Newly Located Civilization
 - Up to Cr100,000
 - possibly Knighted for the Find

Relics and Artifacts from outside the Galaxy
 - Up to Cr100,000

Anything that predates the Universe
 - Up to Cr1,000,000

Premium Real Estate
 - Highly Variable
 - starting at Cr10,000 per Acre

Scanner, Holo-Video, and Holo-Pics for Galactic Astrographic
 - Highly Variable
 - starting at Cr100

Essays for the Encyclopedia Galactica
 - up to Cr100

Traveling to the darkest depths of Space and Finding the meaning of Life
 - Priceless

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Most Wanted Criminals - Starship Repossession Rewards in the Imperium

Starship Owners which have skipped payments are subject to Repossession of their ship. Beyond a few parsecs, this would be requested by X-Mail.

Corporate Repossession Agents receive Salary Pay of approximately Cr50,000 per year, plus a bonus of 2% of the value of the recovered ship. The Corporation pays all of their expenses.

Independent Repossession Agents receive Reimbursement and Rewards for their Services.

In addition to:

Ship Operational Costs for 2 weeks and the Cost of one Jump
1 High Passage and 2 weeks paid Hotel Accommodations
Skip Tracing Fees up to Cr1,000
Formal Serving of Repossession Papers up to Cr1,000

Independent Repossession Agents can expect to get the following Rewards:

Imperial Rewards
 - up to 10% of Ship and Cargo value
 - if the value is a MegaCredit or more - throw 12+ to be Knighted instead
 - in addition to any Reward, Knighted automatically if the value is MCr10 or more

Bank or Lender Rewards
 - up to 5% of Ship and Cargo value

Used Starship Dealer or Rental Starhip Rewards
 - up to 3.5% of Ship and Cargo value

MegaCorporation or Merchant Line Rewards
 - up to 2% of Ship and Cargo value
 - they don't get to be MegaCorporations by giving YOU money

Salvage Rewards
 - Minimum of 1% of Ship and Cargo value depending on Damages
 - up to 5% of Ship and Cargo value from Insurance

Imperial Ministry of Justice Rewards for Apprehension
 - Cr25,000 up to Cr100,000 for Ship Captain or Loan Holder on the "Scorched List"
 - Cr10,000 up to Cr50,000 for Member of Crew of Repossessed Ship on the "Scorched List"
 - additional 5% of Ship and Cargo value if the Ship is on  "Scorched List"
 - The "Scorched List" is a list of Defaulted Crew who have killed Repossession Agents

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Most Wanted Criminals - Rewards in the Imperium

The following determines the approximate size of rewards from the Imperial Ministry of Justice (MoJ) for the capture of the Wanted Criminals. Choices are: Modest, Minor, Considerable, or Extreme

Severity of the Crime
Cr1,000, Cr10,000, Cr100,000, or Cr1,000,000

Likelihood of an Arrest
Cr1,000, Cr10,000, Cr100,000, or Cr1,000,000

Potential Danger to the Public
Cr1,000, Cr10,000, Cr100,000, or Cr1,000,000

Add those that you choose together to get a total Reward.

As an example, the character Shawna in The Traveller Book would probably have a Reward of Considerable Severity, Minor Likelihood, and Modest Danger, making her Reward 111,000Cr approximately.

Imperial Regency of Intelligence and Security (IRIS) Rewards

Threat to the Emperor
Cr3,000,000 or more

Threat to an ArchDuke

Covert Threat to the Third Imperium initiated by a Foreign Citizen or Government 
- up to Cr3,000,000

Covert Threat to the Third Imperium initiated by Imperial Citizens
- up to Cr2,000,000

Imperial Navy Rewards

Overt Interstellar Threat to the Third Imperium
- up to Cr3,000,000
- Turn over Location and Sensor Evidence of Enemy Activity

Threat of Interstellar Terrorism
- up to Cr2,000,000

Threat of Interstellar Piracy
- up to Cr1,000,000

Threat to Interstellar Trade and Travel
- up to Cr1,000,000

Threat to Refueling at a Gas Giant
- up to Cr500,000

Starport Authority (SPA) of the Third Imperium Rewards

Threat to a Downport Property, Extrality Line, or Starport Entrace/Exit
- up to Cr1,000,000

Threat to a Highport
- up to Cr1,000,000

Threat to Interstellar Trade and Travel at a Starport
- up to Cr1,000,000

Theft of a Starship or its contents while under Starport control
- up to 10% of Ship and Cargo value


The Third Imperium's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives have rewards up to Cr3,000,000

Friday, September 15, 2023

Civilian Finds and Claims in the Imperium - First Addendum

The Classic Traveler adventure Imperial Fringe puts the cost of the payment for doing a Star System Re-Survey at Cr50,000, with Red Travel Zone resurveys paying Cr100,000. And if they complete the entire survey of 440 worlds, they get an extra bonus of Cr10,000 per world.

 - MainWorld Re-Survey

 - Star System Re-Survey

 - Red Zone System Re-Survey
 - must be handed to the Senior Scout personally

Additional Cr10,000 per world
 - Total Sector Re-Survey Finished