Sunday, September 17, 2023

Most Wanted Criminals - Starship Repossession Rewards in the Imperium

Starship Owners which have skipped payments are subject to Repossession of their ship. Beyond a few parsecs, this would be requested by X-Mail.

Corporate Repossession Agents receive Salary Pay of approximately Cr50,000 per year, plus a bonus of 2% of the value of the recovered ship. The Corporation pays all of their expenses.

Independent Repossession Agents receive Reimbursement and Rewards for their Services.

In addition to:

Ship Operational Costs for 2 weeks and the Cost of one Jump
1 High Passage and 2 weeks paid Hotel Accommodations
Skip Tracing Fees up to Cr1,000
Formal Serving of Repossession Papers up to Cr1,000

Independent Repossession Agents can expect to get the following Rewards:

Imperial Rewards
 - up to 10% of Ship and Cargo value
 - if the value is a MegaCredit or more - throw 12+ to be Knighted instead
 - in addition to any Reward, Knighted automatically if the value is MCr10 or more

Bank or Lender Rewards
 - up to 5% of Ship and Cargo value

Used Starship Dealer or Rental Starhip Rewards
 - up to 3.5% of Ship and Cargo value

MegaCorporation or Merchant Line Rewards
 - up to 2% of Ship and Cargo value
 - they don't get to be MegaCorporations by giving YOU money

Salvage Rewards
 - Minimum of 1% of Ship and Cargo value depending on Damages
 - up to 5% of Ship and Cargo value from Insurance

Imperial Ministry of Justice Rewards for Apprehension
 - Cr25,000 up to Cr100,000 for Ship Captain or Loan Holder on the "Scorched List"
 - Cr10,000 up to Cr50,000 for Member of Crew of Repossessed Ship on the "Scorched List"
 - additional 5% of Ship and Cargo value if the Ship is on  "Scorched List"
 - The "Scorched List" is a list of Defaulted Crew who have killed Repossession Agents

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