Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Wound Damage Optional Rules for MgT2e2022

Thank you to the folks who posted info for me in the Traveller "deadly" Combat Rules discussion and Are all Aimed Shots also Called Shots? Threads. I had these ideas for a while and never pushed myself to resolve them until those two Threads showed up. So, this is what I'm going with for House-rules for Wound Damage. I tried to make sure that it works with the current Mongoose version. And I compared it with the posts in the Threads I listed. I didn't try to add any penetration rules from Striker. Just tried to keep it basic. And I hope I didn't reinvent the wheel too much. I still think there should be repercussions to certain Hit Locations, but couldn't really wrap my head around it. Maybe another time. And it would have to be rewritten for a being with different limbs - like a Hiver.
But these Optional Rules will make Combat even deadlier.
I almost felt like I was working on a Computer Program. Which I find very interesting and fun.
Let me know what you think and if you see anything that wouldn't work.

I think the order that Characters lose Points from Damage should be:
 - Endurance
 - Dexterity
 - Strength
Endurance first because the Core Rulebook uses Endurance as Fatigue, and Strength last because when someone is in a Coma or received massive Trauma, Doctors will say things like the person doesn't have the Strength to live. Or something similar.

Called Shot
 - Any Aimed Shot can be a Called Shot
 - And a Called Shot MUST be an Aimed Shot
 - Pick Hit Location
 - Apply Modifier of Location to Attack roll
 - Add an extra die to any Damage unless Exceptional Success on Attack (see Critical Hit)
If the Called Shot misses
 - And the Attack roll still hits
 - Resolve Attack normally
 - Otherwise, it's a complete Miss

Critical Hit
 - Exceptional Success on any Attack
 - Double maximum dice Damage
 - Then add Effect

 - Total Wounds which bring Endurance to 0 cause Bleeding
 - Character Loses 1 Point every Round
 - For the number of Rounds equal to the last Damage taken
 - Or until First Aid is applied

Internal Bleeding
 - Any Damage which brings Endurance to 0 from a single Attack causes Internal Bleeding
 - Or any Total Wounds that bring Endurance plus any other stat to 0 causes Internal Bleeding
 - Character Loses 2 Points every Round
 - If First Aid is applied, lose only 1 Point every Round
 - Until Medical Care, Surgery, or an AutoDoc is successful in Treating the Wound Damage

Hit Locations
1.) Head (-2)
2.) Neck (-2)
3.) Center Mass (Chest) (-1)
4.) Center Mass (Abdomen) (-1)
5.) Groin (-3)
6.) Extremities (see Arm/Leg Tables)

1.) Arm
2.) Leg 
3.) Arm 
4.) Leg
5.) Arm 
6.) Leg

1.) Upper right arm (-2)
2.) Upper left arm (-2)
3.) Lower right arm (-3)
4.) Lower left arm (-3)
5.) Right hand (-4)
6.) Left hand (-4)

1.) Right thigh (-2)
2.) Left thigh (-2)
3.) Right shin (-3)
4.) Left shin (-3)
5.) Right foot (-4)
6.) Left foot (-4)

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