The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright 1977 - 2008 Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises's copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Basic Traveller Adventure Setup

    Here's an outline for setting up a basic Traveller adventure. You can skip some sections if you want. Or you can add some. But this should give you a good outline to follow for creating your own Traveller adventures.

    You can even use most of this for outlining pre-made adventures.

    Give it a shot!


The Introduction

The Patron Assignment or Mission
    Supplies and Sundry
    The Departure

The Mission
    Getting There
    What Happens?
    What Happens Next?
    What Else Happens?

End of the Mission
    Resolving the Mission
    Final things that Happen

The Aftermath
    Reporting the Mission
    Burying the Dead
    Selling Trophies
    Getting Rewards

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Does your ship have a Pet? (revised)

Did you leave your cargo door open too long while unloading and now have a bat-equivalent predator flying around your ship?

Did an Opossum-like creature crawl into a hatchway while you were making repairs?

Did your ship's cat let you know that there was a 7 foot tall creature behind you?

Choose which Ship's Pets table you want to try and Roll 1d6

Typical Ship's Pets
1.) a Terran House Cat walks up the ramp one day
2.) Beaked Monkey is a pet throughout Charted Space
3.) a Tree Rat that's similar to a Terran Opossum - even with a prehensile tail
4.) an unidentified Alien Plant that eats bugs
5.) a Lowalaa vocal mimic kept by many Nobles
6.) a Seedspitter that definitely spits seeds... at you

Rare Ship's Pets
1.) a Tree Kraken from Knorbes
2.) a Robotic Critter
3.) a Zhodani Cat that somehow made its way into the Imperium
4.) An Anola that's too far from Pysadi
5.) a Llellewyloly stowaway you eventually figure out is a Sophont
6.) an Alien Iguana starting to make a chrysalis

Roll every time you open your boarding hatch... if you dare.

You can find most of these in the Traveller wiki. I'm sure there's a lot more. Use or re-write the tables to use in your game.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Danger Zones

In Traveller, there are Travel Zones and other Danger Zones. Either TAS warnings, or Imperial Navy or Scout Service Interdiction. And you can have either an Amber Zone which means to be cautious, or a Red Zone, which should be avoided and would be illegal to enter.

These are the different things that can cause an Amber Zone or Red Zone.

1.) Dangerous Wildlife
2.) War Zone or Violent Conflict
3.) Destructive Environment (aka Hellworld)
4.) Violent Crime or Law Level Extremes
5.) Immature, Xenophobic, or Indignant Culture
6.) Hazardous Atmosphere

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Jon Smithe - Detached Scout

Here's my PbP/story character if you want to use him as an NPC.

Jon J. Smithe  97A8C5  4 Terms Scouts
Detached Scout  Age-34
Ship's Commander, Pilot/Astrogator

STR 9 (+1), DEX 7, END A (+1), INT 8, EDU C (+2), SOC 5 (-1)

Regina A788899-C  (Spinward Marches)
A strategic world on the frontier of the Imperium.
Starport A, Medium Size, Dense Atmosphere, Wet World, Moderate Pop, Hi Law, Average Stellar

Carouse-0, Electronics-0, Engineer-0, Flyer-0, Gunner-0, Medic-0, Melee-0, Navigation-0, Recon-0, Science-0, Streetwise-0

Electronics (Computers)-1, Electronics (Sensors)-1, Engineer (Jump Drive)-1, Gauss Pistol-1, Jack-of-all-Trades-1, Mechanic-1, Science (Xenoogy)-1, Vacc Suit-1

Astrogation-2, Survival-2

Pilot (Spacecraft)-3

Optional Skills:  
Admin-0, Animals-0, Athletics-0, Gun Combat-0, Imperium Knowledge-0, Known Space Knowledge-0, Language (Vargrowl)-0, Language (High Vilani)-0, Pilot-0, Language (Anglic)-2

Unarmed (1D) +1 STR

Improvised (2D) +1 STR

TL-2 Blade (2D) +1 STR

TL-10 Stunner
5m  Damage:  (2D+3)
100 charges Stun Zero-G

TL-13 Gauss Pistol
20m  Damage: (3D)  Armor Piercing 3, Auto: 2
1kg  Cr500  40 round magazine
Shoulder Stock, Secure Weapon, Laser Sight (TL-10)
High-Capacity Magazines (80) Cr20
Alternate Ammunition: Armor Piercing 6, Incendiary (Fire)
pg. 126 (2022 Update)

Vacc Suit
TL-12 Rads-90 Protection-10
Thruster Pack, Magnetic Grapplers, Self-sealing, Emergency Repair Kit
Suit Computer system named "Sentinel" for operations and malfunction monitoring

TL14 Computer/5 
0.5kg Cr5000
Portable (Hand) Computer (Comms, Data Display/Recorder, Data wafer, HUD)
Software: Intelligent Interface, Agent (TL-11), Personal Trainer, Translator/0, 
Security/0, (Navigation) Expert/1, (Investigate) Expert/1, Intrusion/1

A basic carrying bag with shoulder straps and external pockets.
Contents: signal flare, thermal smoke (TL-7), electric torch, duct tape, MedKit (TL-11), Excavation Tool Set, 

TL-13  Cr100
10 meters able to hold up to 500 kilograms before breaking.

Survival Kit
Contents: small knife, fire-starting equipment, blanket/poncho, 4 days’ preserved rations, water bottle, compass, light cord/string, mirror, water purification tablets, survival manual.

PRIS (Portable Radiation Imaging System) Binoculars (TL12)
-allows the user to observe a large section of the EMspectrum, from infrared to gamma rays.

Breathing Apparatus
Respirator (TL-10), Filter Mask, Environment Reader

Various Smart Fabric Clothing, TL-10 Wrist Watch, Remembrance Hologram (Family), Remembrance Hologram (Sweetheart)

Detached Scout Ship "Bright Horizon"
 - AI Computer "Archi" Archimedes 5700 series

Domestic Servant Robot "Buddy"

Ship's Pet (Stowaway): Goober the Tree Kraken


Previous Detached Scout Ship "Penumbra Mystic"
 - AI Computer "Misti"

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Events for your Game

Roll 1d6
1.) Background Imagery (roll or pick one)
2.) Encounter (use normal Encounter Tables in the rule book)
3.) Event
4.) Encounter (use normal Encounter Tables in the rule book)
5.) Event
6.) Encounter (use normal Encounter Tables in the rule book)
1.) Accident
2.) Natural Event
3.) Weather
4.) Social Event
5.) Discovery
6.) Celestial Event
Odd.) Major Accident
Even.) Minor Accident

Natural Event
1.) Dust Devils
2.) Landslide
3.) Tsunami or Tidal Wave
4.) Wildfire
5.) Seismic Tremor or Extreme Quake
6.) Volcano, Geyser, or Hot Outgassing

Odd.) Warm Weather Event
Even.) Cold Weather Event

Social Event
1.) On the Street
2.) Major News
3.) Crime
4.) Politics
5.) Ceremony
6.) Sports Event

1.) Trinket, Clothing piece, or Toy
2.) Hand-Written Note or Paper Mail
3.) Money, Wallet, or ID card
4.) Malfunctioning Robot or Machine
5.) Hurt or Murdered Person
6.) Lost Pet

Celestial Event
1.) Celestial Happenings
2.) Visible Starship Event
3.) Amazing Sunset or Starrise
4.) Cosmic Curiosity
5.) Anomaly
6.) Nebulae
Background Imagery
Pick a Table
Roll 1d6

1.) Mushroom Plains
2.) Decayed Animal Carcass/Skeleton
3.) Crashed Vehicle
4.) Crumbling Ruins
5.) Moons in the Sky
6.) Far Off City

1.) Majestic Rock(s)
2.) Gigantic Statue
3.) High Waterfall
4.) Site of Old Battle
5.) Shooting Star
6.) Lumbering Creature
Weather Event

Throw 2d6 for Warm Weather Event
2.) Severe Thunderstorm and Lightning
3.) High Winds or Sand/Dust Storm
4.) Light Rain
5.) Clear
6.) Partly Cloudy or Overcast
7.) Clear
8.) Foggy or Unusually Cold
9.) Heat Wave or High Humidity
10.) Severe Thunderstorm and Flooding
11.) Heat Lightning
12.) Tornado or Hurricane/Typhoon

Throw 2d6 for Cold Weather Event
2.) Severe or Heavy Snowfall
3.) High Winds and Drifting Snow
4.) Light Precipitation or Mild Snowfall
5.) Slush
6.) Partly Cloudy or Overcast
7.) Clear
8.) Partly Cloudy or Overcast
9.) Mild Snowfall
10.) It just keeps snowing...
11.) Unusually Warm
12.) Blizzard or Deep Freeze
Social Event

On the Streets
1.) Police on the Beat
2.) Mad Cabbie
3.) Parade
4.) Motorcycle Gang
5.) Prostitute
6.) Roadblock

Major News
1.) RockFest at the Park (or Other Music)
2.) Museum Exhibit
3.) Air Show
4.) Art Exhibit
5.) Boat Show
6.) Festival

1.) Rapist in the Park
2.) Somebody went Postal again (at the Post Office)
3.) Gang War
4.) Bank Robbery
5.) Shooting at a Five-Star Restaurant
6.) Riot

1.) Elections
2.) Sex Scandal
3.) New Building Dedication
4.) Government Initiative
5.) Financial Scandal
6.) Sheriff Appointed
Celestial Event

Celestial Happenings
1.) Full Moon
2.) Meteor Shower
3.) Aurora Borealis
4.) Odd Lights
5.) Crescent Moon
6.) Eclipse

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


I wrote this up a while ago to help me with understanding Characteristics.

Strength (STR)
- Brawn and Physique
- Might and Power

Dexterity (DEX)
- Coordination, Accuracy, and Agility
- Reflex and Reaction

Endurance (END)
- Stamina and Resolve
- Vitality, Fitness, and Vigor

Intelect (INT)
- Reasoning, Logic, Agency, and Strategy
- Ingenuity, Wits, Intuition, and Awareness

Education (EDU)
- Learned Techniques and Tactics
- Knowledge, Insight, and Wisdom

Social Standing (SOC)
- Presence, Respect, and Charisma
- Pedigree, Renown, and Prestige

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

If you are looking for information about the Traveller Universe...

There are several:

Traveller's Guide to the Universe - from The Traveller Book (Classic Traveller), an intro to Traveller. Maybe you can find this on PDF. Less than 10 pages.

Traveller Integrated Timeline - a great resource all about the history of the Traveller Universe by an Absent Friend, Don McKinney. Search for the PDF. But it's 133 pages.

A CHRONOLOGY OF THE IMPERIUM - 2 pages in the MegaTraveller Imperial Encyclopedia.

Plus, you can keep track of your own findings and creations.
  • Secrets and Hidden Gems of your Game or Campaign
  • Natural Wonders of Charted Space - any that you find along the way
  • In Your Traveller Universe (IYTU) - changes you made to the official rules or setting.
  • NPC Roster - don't throw them away. You can reuse them with minor changes to stats and new clothes. Plus, you can have recurring characters that way. This definitely includes Patrons.
  • Ship Encounter Roster - if they talk to someone on a ship on orbit around Ruie, they might run into them again somewhere else in the Regina subsector. Especially Merchants on a Trade Run, or Naval Vessels on Patrol.
  • Music and Entertainment of Charted Space

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Civilian Finds and Claims in the Imperium - Third Addendum - The Last Bits

Sensor Logs and Location of Uncharted Settlement
 - up to Cr5,000

Location and Sensor Readings of Spacial Anomaly or Hazard
 - up to Cr25,000

Indepenent Salvage Claim
 - Normal Salvage Rights - complete ownership of what's left of the ship and all of it's contents
 - But the Widow of a dead Crewmember would probably want her Spouse's belongings back

Relay Distress Call (Not Recommended)
 - It's illegal to ignore a Distress Call
 - Do Not pass Go. Do Not collect Cr200
 - Go directly to a Proson Planet

Answer Distress Call
 - up to Cr200
 - up to Cr2,000 if people were going to die

Location and Sensor Evidence of a Fugitive
 - 1% of the Reward

Capture of a lost Pet
 - 5% of cost of Pet
 - 10% if an Exotic Pet

Putting down a diseased or dangerous animal
 - Cr100

Stopping a malfunctioning Robot
 - Cr100

Friday, September 22, 2023

Civilian Finds and Claims in the Imperium - Second Addendum - Archeological Incentive Bonuses

Your Starship finds an Archeological Site or Ancient Site on accident

Location Report of Archeological Site
 -  Cr5.000

Exploration Report of Archeological Site
 - Crl0 to Cr100,000
 - depending on an analysis of the site in depth
 - Relics and/or Artifacts
 - Ancient Ruins

Location Report to the Imperium of a newly located Ancient Site
 -  Cr50.000

Exploration Report to the Imperium of a newly located Ancient Site
Crl00 to Cr1,000,000
 - depending on an analysis of the Site in depth
 - Relics and/or Artifacts
 - Ancient Ruins

Hired to make or take an Expedition

Expedition to a Site - privately funded
 - Provisions and Equipment possibly not provided
 - Cr100,000 to Cr500,000

Expedition to a Site - sponsored by a University
 - Provisions and Equipment provided
 - Cr500,000 to Cr1,500,000

Expedition to a Site - sponsored by the Imperium
 - Provisions and Equipment provided
 - 1,000,000 to 5,000,000

Bonus for Find or Claim

Plant, Animal, or Mineral used to make Anagathics
 - Up to Cr1,000,000

Plant, Animal, or Mineral used to make Medicines
 - Up to Cr100,000

Ingedients to make Narcolethe
 - Cr5000 per liter/1 kg distilled TL–10

Unknown Illicit Euphorics
 - Highly Variable
 - Cr100 minimum

Interesting Unknown Plant, Animal, or Mineral
 - up to Cr1,000

Extinct Ancient Language
 - Up to Cr500,000

Ancient Language a current Language is based on
 - Up to Cr500,000

Resource Claim
 - Scanner Evidence of Resource
 - Holo-Video Evidence and Radio Frequency of Claim Marker
 - current Market Value minus Excavation and Transport FFees

Unknown Tasty Food
 - Highly Variable
 - Cr25 minimum

Scanner and Video Evidence of a Natural Wonder
 -  up to Cr1.000

Newly Located Civilization
 - Up to Cr100,000
 - possibly Knighted for the Find

Relics and Artifacts from outside the Galaxy
 - Up to Cr100,000

Anything that predates the Universe
 - Up to Cr1,000,000

Premium Real Estate
 - Highly Variable
 - starting at Cr10,000 per Acre

Scanner, Holo-Video, and Holo-Pics for Galactic Astrographic
 - Highly Variable
 - starting at Cr100

Essays for the Encyclopedia Galactica
 - up to Cr100

Traveling to the darkest depths of Space and Finding the meaning of Life
 - Priceless

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Most Wanted Criminals - Starship Repossession Rewards in the Imperium

Starship Owners which have skipped payments are subject to Repossession of their ship. Beyond a few parsecs, this would be requested by X-Mail.

Corporate Repossession Agents receive Salary Pay of approximately Cr50,000 per year, plus a bonus of 2% of the value of the recovered ship. The Corporation pays all of their expenses.

Independent Repossession Agents receive Reimbursement and Rewards for their Services.

In addition to:

Ship Operational Costs for 2 weeks and the Cost of one Jump
1 High Passage and 2 weeks paid Hotel Accommodations
Skip Tracing Fees up to Cr1,000
Formal Serving of Repossession Papers up to Cr1,000

Independent Repossession Agents can expect to get the following Rewards:

Imperial Rewards
 - up to 10% of Ship and Cargo value
 - if the value is a MegaCredit or more - throw 12+ to be Knighted instead
 - in addition to any Reward, Knighted automatically if the value is MCr10 or more

Bank or Lender Rewards
 - up to 5% of Ship and Cargo value

Used Starship Dealer or Rental Starhip Rewards
 - up to 3.5% of Ship and Cargo value

MegaCorporation or Merchant Line Rewards
 - up to 2% of Ship and Cargo value
 - they don't get to be MegaCorporations by giving YOU money

Salvage Rewards
 - Minimum of 1% of Ship and Cargo value depending on Damages
 - up to 5% of Ship and Cargo value from Insurance

Imperial Ministry of Justice Rewards for Apprehension
 - Cr25,000 up to Cr100,000 for Ship Captain or Loan Holder on the "Scorched List"
 - Cr10,000 up to Cr50,000 for Member of Crew of Repossessed Ship on the "Scorched List"
 - additional 5% of Ship and Cargo value if the Ship is on  "Scorched List"
 - The "Scorched List" is a list of Defaulted Crew who have killed Repossession Agents

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Most Wanted Criminals - Rewards in the Imperium

The following determines the approximate size of rewards from the Imperial Ministry of Justice (MoJ) for the capture of the Wanted Criminals. Choices are: Modest, Minor, Considerable, or Extreme

Severity of the Crime
Cr1,000, Cr10,000, Cr100,000, or Cr1,000,000

Likelihood of an Arrest
Cr1,000, Cr10,000, Cr100,000, or Cr1,000,000

Potential Danger to the Public
Cr1,000, Cr10,000, Cr100,000, or Cr1,000,000

Add those that you choose together to get a total Reward.

As an example, the character Shawna in The Traveller Book would probably have a Reward of Considerable Severity, Minor Likelihood, and Modest Danger, making her Reward 111,000Cr approximately.

Imperial Regency of Intelligence and Security (IRIS) Rewards

Threat to the Emperor
Cr3,000,000 or more

Threat to an ArchDuke

Covert Threat to the Third Imperium initiated by a Foreign Citizen or Government 
- up to Cr3,000,000

Covert Threat to the Third Imperium initiated by Imperial Citizens
- up to Cr2,000,000

Imperial Navy Rewards

Overt Interstellar Threat to the Third Imperium
- up to Cr3,000,000
- Turn over Location and Sensor Evidence of Enemy Activity

Threat of Interstellar Terrorism
- up to Cr2,000,000

Threat of Interstellar Piracy
- up to Cr1,000,000

Threat to Interstellar Trade and Travel
- up to Cr1,000,000

Threat to Refueling at a Gas Giant
- up to Cr500,000

Starport Authority (SPA) of the Third Imperium Rewards

Threat to a Downport Property, Extrality Line, or Starport Entrace/Exit
- up to Cr1,000,000

Threat to a Highport
- up to Cr1,000,000

Threat to Interstellar Trade and Travel at a Starport
- up to Cr1,000,000

Theft of a Starship or its contents while under Starport control
- up to 10% of Ship and Cargo value


The Third Imperium's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives have rewards up to Cr3,000,000

Friday, September 15, 2023

Civilian Finds and Claims in the Imperium - First Addendum

The Classic Traveler adventure Imperial Fringe puts the cost of the payment for doing a Star System Re-Survey at Cr50,000, with Red Travel Zone resurveys paying Cr100,000. And if they complete the entire survey of 440 worlds, they get an extra bonus of Cr10,000 per world.

 - MainWorld Re-Survey

 - Star System Re-Survey

 - Red Zone System Re-Survey
 - must be handed to the Senior Scout personally

Additional Cr10,000 per world
 - Total Sector Re-Survey Finished

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

A way to build an archaeological site


What was it used for?
1.) Use Unknown
2.) Stronghold or Outpost
3.) Housing
4.) Trade
5.) Crafting
6.) Temple

What material is it made from?
1.) Stone
2.) Ceramic
3.) Metal
4.) Glass
5.) Bone
6.) Unknown

What condition is it in?
1.) Brand New
2.) Pristine
3.) Aged
4.) Worn
5.) Crumbling
6.) Damaged

Relics or Artifacts

What can you find there?
1.) Cultural Relic (Technology, Artwork, Clothing, Foodstuffs, etc...)
2.) Ancient Artifact
3.) Enigma or Mystery
4.) Tomb, Grave Goods, or Remains
5.) *Death Trap
6.) *Space Creature

What material is it made from?
1.) Stone
2.) Ceramic
3.) Metal
4.) Glass
5.) Bone
6.) Unknown

Monday, July 3, 2023

Stray Shots

Determining Collateral Damage in a fight
Using Mongoose 2022 Update rules, Effect Results could determine collateral damage if a shot misses.

 - Glancing Shot
Marginal Success: There's a chance that the shot hits something else after hitting the target. Damage to the Target should be minimal. Something gets hit behind the Target on a 2 on a 2d6 roll. 1 in 36 chance.

 - Near Miss
Marginal Failure: The shot misses, but barely. The target might hear the bullet whistle past or there's a sizzling sound in the air. Their hair could be blown round a little. Unless there's a blatant wall or hill behind the target, which would definitely be hit, something significant behind the target gets hit on a 2 or 12 on a 2d6 roll. 2 in 36 chance.

-2 to -5
 - Complete Miss
Average Failure: The shot definitely misses. Unless there's a blatant wall or hill behind the target, which would definitely be hit, something significant behind the target gets hit on a 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, or 12 on a 2d6 roll. 12 in 36 chance.

-6 or less
 - Wild Shot
Exceptional Failure: The shot goes wild. It might even ricochet off of one thing and hit another thing. Unless there's a blatant wall or hill behind the target, which would definitely be hit, something significant behind the target gets hit on a 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 on a 2d6 roll and there's a ricochet to something else that gets hit. A 15 in 36 chance. On a 9, 10, 11, or 12 on a 2d6 roll, something significant behind the target gets hit. A 10 in 36 chance.

Outdoors Not-so-funny table
1.) Other Party Member (must be behind the Target)
2.) Innocent Bystander
3.) Emergency Services or City Personnel
4.) Vehicle, Power or City Vhicle, Copnstruction, Garbage Truck, or Public Transport
5.) Building or Street Fixture or Accoutrement
6.) Pet or other Animal

Indoors Not-so-funny table
1.) Chair, Bench, Stool, Bed, or Couch
2.) Table, Cupboard, Closet, or Bar
3.) Phone, Piano, Jukebox, Hologram, or other Music or Communications related item
4.) Television, Video game, VR set, Darts, or other Entertainment related item
5.) Other Party Member or Innocent Bystander
6.) Food or Drink, Refrigeration, Cooking Equipment, or Dishware

Humorous table
1.) You hear a cat screech
2.) You hear Glass breaking
3.) You hear the Wilhelm Scream behind you
4.) You hear a Ricochet sound for the Wild Shot

Bits from the Starship Operator's Manual for MgT2

I've been wanting to do this for a while. Porting over some ideas from MegaTraveller's Starship Operator's Manual and Imperial Encyclopedia. I worked on it a little the other day, but embellished it more. Let me know if you see anything wrong.

Maneuver Drive Overdrive
According to MegaTraveller's Starship Operating Manual, the M-drive can be pushed into Overdrive, or push the limits of the drive to 400% of normal thrust for short periods of time.

100% Thrust
Routine (6+) Engineering (M-drive) check
1D x 10 Seconds
Requires a check every 5000 minutes or about 3.5 days
For a good Engineer, this might be automatic and not require a roll.

200% Thrust
Average (8+) Engineering (M-drive) check
1D x 10 Seconds
Requires a check every 500 minutes or about 8 hours
For a good Engineer, with Computer Assist, this could be automatic and not require a roll.

300% Thrust
Difficult (10+) Engineering (M-drive) check
1D x 10 Seconds
Requires a check every 50 minutes or about 1 hour

400% Thrust
Very Difficult (12+) Engineering (M-drive) check
1D x 10 Seconds
Requires a check every 5 minutes

_ _ _ _ _

System Crosschecks
System Crosschecks should be performed on the following Skill checks (or Tasks):

Cold or Warm start a Starship
Prepare Maneuver Drive
Prepare Jump Drive for Jump

To do a System Crosscheck, increase the Timeframe by 1 and increase the Task Difficulty by 1 (or the target number by +2).

Failure to do the System Crosscheck on a required Task results in:

A Warning Light and a Bane to every check made on that specific System until a System Crosscheck is completed successfully on that System.
The Referee should determine a serious Event to happen later on that System.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

VACC Suit breaches and damage

It's not an exhaustive list. Just a list for the Referee to quickly come up with a problem for a VACC Suit. It's more descriptive than game system. If anyone knows what book lists Damage for VACC Suits and the people inside, I'd love to attach it to the list if you could post it. Thanks to kilemall and boomslang for their input on the earlier Thread on Citizens of the Imperium.

boomslang said:
Vacc Suit ruptures are bluntly straightforward: incremental damage to the occupant (1d6 first turn, 2d6 second turn, 3d6 third turn, and so on), with a DEX roll to get a suit patch on the leak and presumably Vacc Suit or Zero-Gee skill as a DM to both avoid the tear in the first place and fix it in time.

Roll 1d6 for which system or area is affected then Roll 1d6 for a specific problem.

1.) Suit Material
2.) Faceplate
3.) Power
4.) Life Support
5.) Communications
6.) EVA Propulsion

Suit Material
1.) Suit Part Disconnect
2.) Rip, Cut, Hole, or other Rupture
3.) Fall Injury
4.) Hit Damage (Weapon or Equipment)
5.) Micro-meteor Strike
6.) Tether Connection Break

1.) Sunscreen Broken
2.) Superficial Crack
3.) Seal Leak
4.) Steamed Up
5.) Minor Damage
6.) Complete Failure

1.) Battery Drained
2.) Electronics Fluctuation
3.) EM Interference
4.) Melted Wiring
5.) Outage
6.) Overload

Life Support
1.) Air Supply non-Function
2.) Mixture Ratio Misaligned
3.) Pressure Not Optimal
4.) Heat Dis-regulation
5.) Radiation Damage
6.) Undergarment Misfunction

1.) Static or Cutting Out
2.) Negative Contact
3.) Transceiver Malfunction
4.) Complete Interruption
5.) Receive Delay
6.) Speaker or Mic Loose Wire

EVA Propulsion
1.) Thruster Malfunction
2.) Propellant Fuel Leak
3.) Flight Computer Misalignment
4.) Boot Demagnetized
5.) Tether Breakage
6.) Handheld Unit Clogged

Saturday, March 18, 2023

MgT2e Darts using Effect

(page numbers are from the 2022 Update)

Captain Jamison walked into the Ship's Lounge and said, "Computer: pull up holo-game 'Darts: 301'. A hologram of a Dartboard appeared, with a small table and a cup filled with throwing darts.

"Whenever you are ready, Sir," the computer said.

The game of Darts is pretty simple. You aim a Dart and throw it as best you can towards the Bullseye or whichever part of the board you want to Hit. The Dartboard divided into 20 sections with each section also having a small areas for Doubles and Triples.

A lot of people in bars play a variation of Darts called 301. Each Player starts with 301 points and count down to Zero, subtracting your points each turn. After 3 Darts thrown, you switch Players, and repeat. The first Player who gets to Zero wins. I'm not sure how to simulate getting to Zero exactly, like they do in the real-life game.

But on a Significant Combat Action Ranged Attack of Average using Effect (Table on pg. 61), the game would work like this:

0+ - Normal Hit (roll a d20 and subtract it) - Marginal to Average Success
4 - Double (roll a d20, double it and subtract it) - Average Success
5 - Triple (roll a d20, x3 and subtract it) - Average Success
6+ - Bullseye (subtract 50) -Exceptional Success

Any Failure is just a Miss. If "real" Darts are used, there my be a possibility of Bystanders being hit by a Missed Dart.

There's no real Training for Darts, so I'm not using an Unskilled penalty. I might change that.

You only get to Aim for one round or the other Players should tell you to 'Hurry up!"

Modifiers to the Throw:
High DEX score (pg. 58 - if DEX is the only Modifier)
Athletics: Dexterity (pg. 65)
Carouse (pg. 66)
Tactics (pg. 72)
Aiming (pg. 74)

Captain Jamison throws his first holographic Dart.
He rolls 2D. No Modifiers.

5 + 1 = 6.

"Frak!" he yells. Then he Aims for a full round of 3 Minor Actions.
Jamison rolls again. 2D + 3 (Aiming).

1 + 5 + 3 = 9

"It's a Hit!" and Jamison keeps playing.

Try Darts out with your own characters. Keep a holographic copy on your ship for downtime.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Things to do during Jump

I remember someone asked a while back what to do in JumpSpace. Here's what I've come up with, in general.(with Citizens of the Imperium contributions by aramis, BackworldTraveller, mike wightman, Captain_Ahab, Baroun Tardis, Nightwind1, Spenser TR, Drew, Spinward Flow, Enoki, Timerover51)

Things to do during Jump:

- Bridge Jump Watch
- Engineering Jump Watch
- Medical Emergencies
- Ship and/or Cargo inventory
- Steward Services
- Passenger Hospitality
- Research

- Preventative Maintenance
- Fixing the broken thing
- Manufacturing parts
- Replacing parts
- Writing New Computer programs
- Ship Upgrading

Destination Planning
- Library Data (Spinward Marches Archive/Retrieval Tool (SMART)
- TAS Warnings and Requests
- Itinerary Setup
- Local Languages

- Personal Hygine
- Clothing Launder
- Punishment Duty
- Pest Control
- Robot work

- Improving Existing Skills
- Psionics Improvement
- Safety and Emergency Training
- Ship's Security Training
- Cross-training with Other Crewmembers
- New Skill Training
- Retraining
- Read the Fraking Manual

- Recent Holovids
- Holo-programming
- Old or Nostalgic Stuff
- Listen to Music
- Play a Musical Instrument or Sing
- Creative Arts
- Reading
- Writing
- Games
- Adjust the Gravity

- Passenger Food
- Cooking Crew Food
- Food from Worlds landed at
- Drink Of Choice
- Onboard Distilling
- Smells

- Friendships
- Romance
- Psychological Warfare

- Sleeping it off
- or Not Sleeping